Sunday, September 27, 2009

Michael Wesch: A version of Student's Today

This video is about what students today are dealing with. In the video Michael shows a class room of students that tell what one of their issues are. I think we all can relate with most, if not all of them. Books are so expensive now that I have to make decisions on which books I feel like I will use the most during the semester and then hope for the best in the other classes or buddy up with someone with a book. I've done work that will never help me in real life. I will be in debt when I graduate. We are always saying "I just need a few more hours in the day to do what I need to do" and it is very true. As college students we are faced with many things to do in one day that it seems like teachers think that class is the only one we are taking and most of us are trying to get a schedule to work around our work schedule or vice versa.
As soon as I get caught up on something, it seems like all of a sudden I'm right behind again, it's a constant struggle that by the time I graduate I'll have it down right. The main thing is time management but it almost seems like there are too many things to do to even manage on when to do things.


  1. How many courses are you taking? The standard class structure assumes 2 times the hours spent in class should be spent outside class. That makes a 3 hour class consume 9 hours. 5 courses=45 hours. A lot of people think it should be less. But I would hope that you are here to learn!

    But all of that is not what Dr. Wesch was getting at. he was critiquing the sage in front of the stage method of teaching. And rightly so since that is what leads to inattention, unused books, facebook activity, etc.

  2. The books are so expensive for all classes. I was so relieved when I realized I didn't have to purchase a book for this class.
