1. Throughout this class we have learned about many things such as blogs, presentations, google, podcasts, videocasts, and many other things. Each of these things has a special place in our heads as we will take bits and pieces and put them to use in our teaching. I learned a whole lot of new things and relearned and got new information on some things I already knew about. I came into this class with a pre-hatred for google with really no reason and I now love google and all of its uses. iTunesU I found to be very useful. Everything we covered in class with the exception of Twitter, I have found to be very useful in my life, not only in my becoming a teacher but in my daily life as well and I hope to continue my education on each of these things.
2. In this class, I would have liked to learn more about Google Earth and all that google has to offer, even though I know it is a lot.
3. There really is nothing in this class that I learned that I wish I had not learned. Everything I learned was and is beneficial to my becoming a teacher.
4. This class really did excite me for many reasons but one main reason was that I learned so many new things that I might not have ever learned elsewhere. I learned the importance of blogging and the usefulness of it. There were the low points in the class but as a whole, it was exciting.
5. There really wasn’t anything in this class that was “intellectually challenging.” I understood or caught on to everything we did in the class.
6. There were times that I was bored but in all honesty, it was because I did not have the motivation to do some things. If I had the motivation, then I would not have been bored at all. I just lacked the motivation at times to do the work.
7. The thing I would change about this class is something that you discussed at the beginning and that was making it into a lab class and coming to the classroom only when needed, there were numerous times where I felt like if I missed class then it would not be a big deal because there would be instructions on the class blog on how to do it. I really do feel like this should be like a lab course.
8. I do believe I am Technologically Literate at the moment. I would love to someday be greatly literate but for right now I think I am in the medium category, all thanks to this class!
9. I will improve my technological literacy by continuing my education in technology. I will continue researching and following some of the blogs that we learned about in the class. I will not only research and follow but I will continue to learn and practice.